This study emphasizes the vital need to evaluate well conditions and working-fluid compatibility with coiled tubing materials to prolong coiled tubing operational life.
Makers of continuous sucker rods are out to convince customers that it really is possible to make a better sucker rod that could save them some money.
In-situ extraction of heavily sulfured oil by use of steam injection comes with a high risk of hydrogen-sulfide production resulting from aquathermolysis reactions. This could lead to casualties, environment damage, and corrosion of surface facilities and wells. Also, a strong need exists to understand aquathermolysis reactions and to forecast the generation of acid g…
This paper describes studies that confirm that enzyme-based, environmentally preferable chemistries can be used to break polymers and mitigate H2S in various systems.
Although improvements to drilling rigs have allowed drilling to depths greater than 20,000 ft, experience has shown that, the deeper the well, the higher the bottomhole pressure and more hydrogen sulfide gases the lease workers will experience.
When panels in an instrument equipment shelter kept tripping and the occasional smell of H2S led to an investigation of the rationale. Although a rare occurrence, this paper presents a strategy for prevention through careful site selection.
A wide range of corrosive elements and compounds from a variety of crudes has led to a renewed industry focus on corrosion and the effects it has on pipelines and vessels.
Semoga and Kaji fields experienced reservoir souring and suffered a history of calcium-carbonate (CaCO3) -scale cases before a proper scale-inhibition program was implemented. Problems with a free water knockout discovered continued scale issues, leading to investigation of the reasons.
Through a range of experiments the authors demonstrate that small amount of H2S can be beneficial in reducing corrosion in 3% Cr steel.
Offshore production systems can be impacted negatively by numerous problems attributed to bacterial activity, associated hydrogen sulfide and biogenic iron sulfides, and mercaptan production. Acrolein provides a distinctive all-in-one chemical solution to assist in resolving these problems.