In this paper, an energy-based 3D fracture-reconstruction method is proposed to derive the complex fracture network from microseismic data in a shale gas reservoir.
A growing volume of free data and reports from US shale fracturing test sites is available, with more on the way.
Artificial intelligence is opening new ways to analyze data from microseismic events that occur during hydraulic fracturing. One researcher at Moscow’s Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology is building a convolutional neural network to get a subsurface view of permeability after fracturing.
SponsoredA Midland Basin case study on estimating production, drainage volume, and interference from multiple stacked wells.
This study compares the performance of openhole-packer completion systems with that of cemented-liner completion systems in the northern Montney gas resource play.
Openhole multistage (OHMS) systems are more cost-effective than the cemented casing plug-and-perf (CCPP) techniques for increasing production and reducing development costs.
The integration of microseismic data with 3D seismic attributes, and well log and completions data is used to understand geomechanical rock properties.
Understanding how much rock is being stimulated and propped is critical for unconventional producers. New imaging methods using electromagnetic energy or acoustic microemitters could represent a milestone in understanding what is left behind after fracturing.