• It’s hard to create corporate or master data strategies when every user group you talk to has a different idea of what “good” should look like from their perspective.
  • Sustainability data management is a relatively new discipline that requires a unique set of tools, processes, and procedures to meet corporate demands.
  • The promise of DataOps, the application of agile DevOps methods and tools to data engineering, is compelling even though the term has progressed through the hype cycle for years and, for many, little impact has been achieved. The potential remains strong, though. If impact is elusive, there are likely two main causes.
  • While master data management is crucial for maintaining data integrity and supporting business processes, it often goes ignored in mid- to large-size oil and gas companies. Most think that implementing robust enterprise resource planning will solve all master data problems. They find they are sorely mistaken when, after investing millions of dollars in a new accountin…
  • For organizations that do it well, data management provides a competitive edge in an increasingly digital oil field. But teams all too often are so busy managing all the moving parts of data management that they take their eye off of “the prize”—the payoff after you have put everything into place to sustain successful data management.
  • As data sets collected in the field have grown exponentially, data management challenges have both evolved and compounded. This article addresses these pain points and presents strategies and solutions that should be implemented to ensure data compliance and entitlement and promote ease of accessibility, both internally and externally.
  • The initiative is designed to support national data repositories, regulators, and national oil companies looking for ways to leverage, maintain, and improve their data.
  • A ministerial decree in Indonesia has set the data model from the Professional Petroleum Data Management Association as the country's industry standard for upstream oil and gas data.
  • Unless we work together to resolve the underlying causes of data problems, we will continue to struggle with the time and effort needed to get the foundations of data preparedness sorted out. That means that industry must accept that data is strategic rather than tactical.
  • Data undoubtedly has value, agreed participants at a recent symposium held by the Professional Petroleum Data Management Association in Denver. Quantifying that value—and communicating that value to decision-makers in a company—however, is tricky if not impossible.