Western Australia
The Scarborough Energy Project is on track to start delivering liquefied natural gas in 2026.
SPE Western Australia held an inaugural career fair in Dili with more than 200 students in attendance.
The SPE Timor-Leste Section officially launched on 7 November with a celebration of 200 guests and an array of dignitaries across a range of industries.
Carnarvon basin job will be McDermott’s largest decommissioning project to date.
Eighteen Timorese students spent a week in Perth exploring and forging connections within the Australian oil and gas industry.
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
The Scarborough energy project is targeting first LNG cargo in 2026.
Duo jointly purchases a pair of undeveloped gas condensate fields off Western Australia from PTTEP.
Woodside Energy awards all contracts for major work at multiple fields, while Helix Energy secures significant plugging and abandonment job on the Gulf of Mexico shelf.
Giant gas project off Australia had been idle since last December.
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