Robotics/unmanned systems
The planned use of an uncrewed surface vessel to inspect shallow-water infrastructure for Petrobras follows a previous remote operation survey for the operator.
Underwater robots that can predict waves in real time could reduce the cost of producing offshore renewable energy, a study suggests.
Equans has selected ANYbotics as its preferred ground robot supplier to drive the adoption of ANYmal for autonomous inspections, asset monitoring, and maintenance.
A recently signed contract lines the company up to provide autonomous ocean robots for inspection of the oil giant’s subsea field developments in the Gulf of Mexico.
The technology now in development at UH consists of remotely operated vehicles equipped with multiple sensors, video cameras, and scanning sonars that can swim along a subsea pipeline to inspect flange bolts.
The 5-year contract with global ROV equipment and services provider ROVOP supports Energean’s field development within the wider Katlan area adjacent to Israel’s Karish gas field.
The site survey and inspection of an offshore gas platform in UAE waters was executed entirely from an onshore remote operations center without sending personnel offshore.
Norway’s USV joint venture will launch its first unmanned offshore surface vessel in 2025 to support subsea inspection, maintenance, and repairs.
The Swiss-based company Hydromea announced advances in underwater optical modem technology and development of an underwater monitoring system capable of daily data sweeps remotely.
The center will allow developers and researchers to test digital and robotic products and services for offshore renewable energy.
The Robotic Supervision System project is expected to bring autonomous cooperation a step closer for oil and gas operators.
Ocean services provider DeepOcean has mobilized its first autonomous inspection drone and plans to conduct offshore trials for an operator on the Norwegian continental shelf.
The new Kongsberg Discovery business area will turn the company’s sensors toward mapping and monitoring the ocean.