As the energy industry continues to explore Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) models to improve business holistically, eco-conscious improvements are at the heart of these change initiatives. Today’s frac operators are faced with numerous challenges in an ever-evolving landscape to overhaul business practices and implement technological innovations. The constant demands to lower costs, boost profitability, and increase efficiency often impede environmentally friendly objectives.
Standard hydraulic fracturing equipment uses diesel-powered engines. They produce emissions that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified as negatively impacting human health, our environment and global climate. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), “Diesel fuel (refined from crude oil) produces many harmful emissions when it is burned, and diesel-fueled vehicles are major sources of harmful pollutants, such as ground-level ozone and particulate matter.”
To address the damaging side-effects of diesel, frac operators are turning towards new technologies, including eFrac, dynamic gas blend (DGB), bi-fuel tech, and direct-drive turbine technology.
Download our white paper to learn more about how operators are saving money and improving ESG factors with our new approach to fracturing.

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