JPT October 2022 Issue

JPT October 2022 cover

On the Cover
The artificial lift industry continues to adapt and evolve to meet global oil and gas demand. Source: Getty Images.

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Monthly Features
Guest Editorial
President's Column
  • Petroleum engineers have important roles to play in the future energy for the world. Among these are using our traditional concept of producing oil and natural gas as we are doing now and will need to continue to do for decades to come; using our competencies to address the challenges of climate change; and helping to develop additional forms of energy that do not add…
SPE News
Offshore Drilling and Completion
  • The papers that I included this month demonstrate real measurable efficiency gains and advantages, often processing volumes of data that previously could not be managed by conventional means. Performance measurement and drilling automation are two such examples, and the papers referenced this month, both as synopses and listed for further reading, fall into this categ…
Artificial Lift
  • Artificial lift has long been thriving in the exciting innovation zone that the electronics industry is only now approaching. Just when you think the artificial lift community knows everything, people find new ways to turn old maxims on their head. The selections this month are true paradigm-changers.
Data Analytics
  • I would like to invite readers to review the selection of papers to get an idea of various applications in the upstream oil and gas space where ML methods have been used. The highlighted papers cover the use of transformer-based models to predict oil production, the use of data analytics to study parent/child well relationships in shale plays, and the use of convoluti…
Sand Management
  • A step change is noticeable in the quality of papers from the previous 2 years. First, the papers have better technical content; second, they are pushing the boundaries of currently accepted technologies and mores.

SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 November.