Field cluster in the South China Sea expected to produce over 45,000 B/D of oil in 2023.
At peak, combined fields should produce more than 12,600 B/D of oil.
Eastern Canada offshore heats up with Flemish Pass drilling plans
The Hassa-1 exploration well in the prolific Stabroek Block was the giant’s second setback to its drilling campaign in recent months.
The discovery well is located in the south-western Ring of Bozhong Sag in the Bohai Bay where average water depth is about 23 m.
CNOOC’s Bohai Sea Project has started production ahead of schedule.
Operators celebrate first major deepwater project sanctioned since the early-2020 oil crash.
Xu Keqiang took the reins as CEO of the Chinese national oil company on 19 November. Meanwhile, more oil is flowing from the offshore Caofeidian 11-1/11-6 oilfield project.
Just three firms submitted bids in an auction many are deeming as a disappointment for Brazil.
The Scottish company will roll out its X-PAS predictive analysis service on CNOOC’s Buzzard, Golden Eagle, and Scott platforms on the UK Continental Shelf.