data sharing
Developing alternative power supplies with wide-scale reliability, dependability, and minimization or elimination of GHG emissions within feasible capex/opex scenarios is the brass ring of sustainability and energy security—and data are helping us get there.
This paper addresses the challenges of integrating huge amounts of data and developing model frameworks and systematic workflows to identify opportunities for production enhancement by choosing the best candidate wells.
Stakeholders in the UK offshore sector will be asked to commit to a set of principles to help the sector achieve the energy transition through digitalization.
The partnership plans to develop an overlying software suite, Data Mesh, to consolidate data from various sources and increase data-access efficiency.
This paper proposes a series of work flows to simplify model deployment and set up an automatic advisory system to provide insight in justifying an engineer’s day-to-day engineering decisions.
The authors of this paper describe the path of an operator’s successful exploration program that has integrated geologic and geophysical understanding and new technology to discover 8 billion BOE at the time of writing.
The initiative is designed to support national data repositories, regulators, and national oil companies looking for ways to leverage, maintain, and improve their data.
SPE’s 2021 Open Subsurface workshop tackled the ins and outs of open source, open data, and open access.
A growing volume of free data and reports from US shale fracturing test sites is available, with more on the way.
Digital data startups face many hazards, from potential customers unwilling to share data to buyers who just do not see the payoff in what they are selling.
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