This paper proposes a methodology for preventing drillstring fatigue and failure in deep wells with large shallow doglegs.
An automated detection application helped identify stringers early for an operator of a mature field in the North Sea while drilling multilateral wells through reservoir sections containing hard calcite stringers interspersed in sand formations with low unconfined compressive strength. The application guided drilling decisions that minimized invisible lost time and sh…
Microdoglegs are a natural effect of any vertical or directional well that can explain a wide variety of downhole problems.
A new rotary-steerable system (RSS) was designed to give geometrically greater dogleg-severity (DLS) capability while still being able to withstand the increased bending stresses.
This paper explores the applications, benefits, and value of a high-build-rate rotary-steerable system (HRSS) capable of delivering dogleg severity (DLS) greater than 18°/100 ft.
The standard for progress in shale development has been the drastic reduction in the number of days needed to drill a well, from more than 20 to less than 5 in some unconventional plays. But some question whether it has become a misleading metric for an industry needing more productive wells.
The only wells that are straight or follow a smooth curve are in the pictures in well plans. Real wellbores are shaped by the mechanics of directional drilling tools, the skills and attention of drillers, the force of gravity, and the path followed by hydrocarbon-rich seams of rock.