The study uses laboratory and digital core analyses of Berea sandstone to estimate petrophysical and dynamic properties for adjustment of predicted precipitation and flow reduction in reservoir simulation models of intermittent CO₂ injection with aquifer drive.
The authors write that, by wireline formation testing of a sandstone formation adjacent to a sand/shale laminated reservoir in the Weizhou shale-oil region of the Beibu Gulf, key reservoir information can be directly obtained.
This paper describes the application of an underbalanced coiled tubing technology in tight sandstones, using an integrative approach that incorporates petrophysical, geophysical, and reservoir engineering data.
SponsoredSmart completions using autonomous outflow control devices significantly helped in improving reservoir management and increasing oil and gas field productivity by enhancing the injection wells' performance.
The authors of this paper describe a solution using machine-learning techniques to predict sandstone distribution and, to some extent, automate the process of optimizing well placement.
This paper presents a novel mathematical model for design and evaluation of fluoroboric acid treatments that takes into account the chemical kinetics and equilibrium aspects of important reactions and fluid flow inside the reservoir rock.
This paper presents case studies of how produced-water salinity data was used to transform the performance of two oil-producing fields in Nigeria.
This paper presents a physics-based approach to predict sand production for various reservoir and completion types, explored through a case study of recent production wells in a sandstone reservoir development.
The paper presents key lessons learned in efficiently designing pressure-buildup tests in tight sandstone reservoirs.
This paper focuses on identifying a hydrofluoric-acid-derivative treatment that could be used as a single-step sandstone-acid treatment with all the associated benefits but without the need for acid-flowback services.
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