Saudi Aramco
This paper presents a novel workflow for using electromagnetic resistivity-based reservoir mapping logging-while-drilling technologies for successful well placement and multilayer mapping in low-resistivity, low-contrast, thinly laminated clastic reservoirs.
This study introduces a cleanup- and flowback-testing approach incorporating advanced solids-separation technology, a portable solution, equipment automation, improved metallurgy, and enhanced safety standards.
In this study, artificial-intelligence techniques are used to estimate and predict well status in offshore areas using a combination of surface and subsurface parameters.
This paper describes a collaborative project to analyze affected wells, identify commonalities, and optimize bit design and drilling parameters to mitigate the effects of borehole spiraling.
Experts at SPE’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition say that despite AI’s great potential, it’s important to be realistic about AI’s capabilities and to remember that successful projects solve specific business problems.
This paper describes laboratory tests simulating varying sour-well and extended galvanic corrosion conditions to determine the adequacy of selected armor metallurgies in downhole corrosive environments.
One hydraulic fracturing job can stimulate two wells, but economic success hinges on doing it in the right place for the right price.
This paper presents circular environmental initiatives at Abu Ali Island in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia that led to sustainable and systematic decarbonization, ecosystem, and biodiversity programs.
The new frontier of production improvement combines surveillance techniques and analysis to determine which variables boost output.
Aramco’s investment pivot to gas aims to propel Saudi Arabia into the top tier of gas producers and LNG players globally by 2030.
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