Field examples of operators using chemical restimulation to boost production in aging unconventional wells as an alternative to acid treatments.
In the Marcellus, Repsol is slicing and dicing legacy data to evolve its completions strategy, while in the Permian, ExxonMobil is mastering the 4-mile lateral drillout using lessons learned.
Industry leaders champion collaborative solutions as essential for overcoming fracturing limitations.
Regional pore-pressure variations in the Leonardian- and Wolfcampian-age producing strata in the Midland and Delaware basins are studied using a variety of subsurface data.
Machine learning and a decade of gas composition records helped the operator identify wells that were most likely to produce paraffins.
This paper presents a workflow that combines probabilistic modeling and deep-learning models trained on an ensemble of physics models to improve scalability and reliability for shale and tight-reservoir forecasting.
One hydraulic fracturing job can stimulate two wells, but economic success hinges on doing it in the right place for the right price.
The new frontier of production improvement combines surveillance techniques and analysis to determine which variables boost output.
Operators tell an audience at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference how a hybrid expandable liner system and machine-learning-based analysis improve the bottom line.
The chief operating officer of Chesapeake Energy tells the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference that small wins can pave the path to big achievements.
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