shale gas
Until you hear that commercial fusion reactors are online or that low-cost, grid-scale electricity storage made from commonplace materials can handle a 10-day cold snap or heat wave, there is no need to hang up your pipe wrenches. Fossil fuels will remain the most energy-dense, cost-effective, reliable energy source until an extraordinary breakthrough creates a better…
Success at the Fuling gas field in southwestern China will play a major role in the country's energy agenda.
In striving to boost production of shale gas and tight oil, China is trying enhanced-hydraulic-fracturing technology and real-time data analysis in the Sichuan shale basin. In Daqing’s tight-oil fields, an alternative fracture-completion strategy and post-stimulation flowback technology has been tested.
The first delivery of shale gas in the UAE marks a major milestone toward its goal of reaching 1 Bcf/D by 2030. It also signals the expansion of hydraulic fracturing in the UAE’s conventional fields.
The complete paper describes an automated machine-learning approach to determine the spatial variation in decline type curves for shale gas production, based on existing data of production, completion, and geological parameters.
The sale of the Appalachia position is in line with Shell’s strategy to focus on its shales strategy.
The formula for value in a shale play used to be simple, lease acreage in the best quality rock based on Tiers cover large areas. That standard is fading as it has become obvious that the rock is highly variable and the drilling and completion designs are just as important.
The data analytics firm projects US dry gas output growth will shrink to 2 Bcf/D next year from 8–9 Bcf/D in 2018 and 2019.
The green light for Santos Energy’s drilling program in the McArthur Basin comes after a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in the Northern Territory was lifted in 2018.
As the country pushes for higher output from its emerging unconventional sector, nature is pushing back. To get better results, operators there are increasing their reliance on technology.