This paper describes a virtual metering tool that can monitor well performance and estimate production rates using real-time data and analytical models, integrating commercial software with an optimization algorithm that combines production and reservoir information. The tool feeds external reservoir analysis applications and uses the results for validation purposes. Included in the complete paper are results from applications of the real-time virtual flowmeter (RTVFM) in oil, gas, and gas condensate fields.
Reliable estimation of production flow rates for wells is of paramount importance for 3D-model history matching, well-test interpretation, back allocation, real-time monitoring, and reservoir management. Virtual metering technology is used to evaluate well production rates—usually an uncertain parameter—and is based on real-time data and analytical models.
RTVFM technology has been developed by integrating a commercial software platform and mathematical models (algorithms). The algorithms solve dynamic pressure and temperature gradients simultaneously, along with the choke equation, to find optimal solution rates that match physical sensor readings.