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Almost every day, petroleum engineers are coming to realize that they’ve got an arsenal of good ideas on how to leverage large, messy data sets to add value to their businesses. Those who have enlisted in the Analytics Army have progressed from siloed digitalization attempts to well-concerted digital transformation strategies that reflect high levels of organizational…
CO₂ enhanced oil recovery (EOR) provides an attractive and commercially established technique to store CO₂ underground. EOR modeling is crucial because complex simulation is required to predict the behavior of CO₂ and its interaction with the oil and reservoir rock.
In this study, artificial-intelligence techniques are used to estimate and predict well status in offshore areas using a combination of surface and subsurface parameters.
Geothermal energy in the US has historically been concentrated in the West due to favorable geology, but emerging technologies have expanded the possibilities.
Virtual reality and related visualization technologies are helping reshape how the industry views 3D data, makes decisions, and trains personnel.
This month’s column offers a review of the perceived quality of SPE's publications and how this perceived quality could affect the value and impact of SPE's generative AI deliverables. Quality can be subjective, so this column focuses on key publication indicators before assessing remedial options in a future column.
Given the diversity of coiled tubing well-intervention data, many acquisition labels are often missing or inaccurate. The authors of this paper present a multimodal framework that automatically identifies job type and technologies used during an acquisition.
Leading drilling consultant John de Wardt separates hype from reality and explores what’s ahead in this interview with JPT.
Oil price visibility, projects competing for funds, and regional market softness are all factors resulting in muted demand for deepwater rigs this year.
Richard (Dick) Nelson, SPE, passed away 12 September 2024 in Ketchum, Idaho, at the age of 95. After receiving a PhD in chemistry from the University of Washington in 1954, he moved to California and started at Shell’s Martinez refinery. He also worked at Shell Development Company’s Emeryville Central Research Laboratory before moving to the company’s head office in M…