JPT June 2022 Issue

On the Cover
At the Utah FORGE geothermal test site, drilling crew members look up at the rig used to test speed records while drilling through a mile of granite at temperatures exceeding 400°F. Source: Eric Larson, Flash Point SLC.
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Monthly Features
By turning its back on Russian oil and gas, will Europe speed up or slow down its energy transition, and what will be the impact on global climate change?
The drilling of wells in shale and granite shares a common need—faster drilling is required to make it work.
What You Should Know About Offshore and Sour Gas CCS: High Cost, Leak Mitigation, and TransportationSoutheast Asia promises to be a compelling case study in how oil and gas producers will soon face the realities of scaling up carbon capture and storage projects.
Petronas and Pertamina share their technical approach in implementing and optimizing artificial lift using advanced technology and their vision for the future. Their experiences in dealing with operational challenges in a mature field highlight areas for improvement and innovation.
President's Column
The Offshore Technology Conference drew nearly 25,000 participants, showing renewed interest in in-person meetings following the successful ADIPEC and IPTC conferences.
The big oil producers are balancing the chasing of more production with delivering dividends to shareholders. So far, the scale is tipping in favor of shareholders. But it’s not that cut and dried. Simplifying the complexity of the global market shines, at best, a narrow beam on some of the factors affecting production.
E&P Notes
Florea Minescu, a longstanding SPE member and senior scientific researcher in the upstream sector, died 8 November 2021. He was 73.
Coiled Tubing
In this year’s feature are two case histories and an equipment-development paper, all of which are, by accident rather than design, from operations undertaken in the Gulf States. Each, in its own way, exemplifies the engineering decisions and balances that must be weighed to provide the best solution within limiting parameters and the considerable effort this may take…
It is pleasantly surprising to find a revival in sandstone acidizing. For many years, sandstone acidizing was becoming almost a lost art, overshadowed by carbonate acidizing and hydraulic fracturing.
Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
The past decade has seen many technological innovations in the well-completion domain focused on hydraulic fracturing. Within openhole multistage completions, we have seen a wider use of higher-expansion-ratio packers, fracturing-sleeve configurations, multicluster fracturing sleeves, dissolvable ball and seat technologies, and reclosable sleeves. When we look at case…
EOR Operations
In this article, I will focus on chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR). What is its current status, and what is its future?
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 July.