Monitoring of corrosion in process pipelines has always been of paramount importance in ensuring plant-asset integrity. Similarly, steam traps play an important role in ensuring steam quality and, thus, the integrity of critical assets in the plant. The complete paper discusses these two aspects of monitoring asset integrity—real-time corrosion monitoring and real-time steam-trap monitoring—as implemented by the operator. The authors highlight the importance of digitization by means of implementing wireless technology and making data available in remote work stations in real time.
Real-Time Corrosion-Monitoring System
Corrosion coupons and electrical resistance probes are among the most-tried and -tested methods to monitor corrosion, but the authors detail shortcomings of these systems, focusing their efforts on the option of using nonintrusive ultrasonic sensors for corrosion monitoring.
Fixed ultrasonic thickness (UT) monitoring systems measure a localized thickness of vessel wall or pipe through the use of sound waves.