JPT 75th Anniversary
The world of artificial lift has witnessed a remarkable revolution over the past 25 years, with many of the events and technology trends recorded in the Journal of Petroleum Technology.
There will always be a need for good artificial lift engineers. So, what should the next generation of its professionals be trying to pursue?
The topics covered in JPT’s Technology Focus feature span the breadth of the upstream industry. A review of these topics over the years illustrates the changes that have affected E&P professionals.
Longtime JPT Technology Editor Dennis Denney discusses his career at SPE and the development of the magazine’s Technology Focus feature.
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Bryan Hibbard, senior editorial operations manager for SPE, to highlight how writing SPE technical papers and articles for JPT, SPE Journal, and other SPE publications can help to boost your career.
Find out what made the list of big technology breakthroughs that have shaped the oil and gas industry over the past quarter century.
Highlights of innovations in fracturing, drilling, and reservoir engineering include mysterious gummy bears, horseshoe-shaped wells, and automated rigs.
We’re excited to begin the year with the commemoration of JPT’s 75th anniversary. This issue launches our special features dedicated to JPT’s reporting of technology and practices over the past 7½ decades.
A case study presented at ATCE took medical science to a new low—into the depths of the Permian Basin for application to downhole reservoir drainage diagnostics.
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