Fracturing/pressure pumping
This paper discusses the development of a multientry, multistage fracturing system and its advantages over traditional openhole multistage fracturing solutions.
In the Marcellus, Repsol is slicing and dicing legacy data to evolve its completions strategy, while in the Permian, ExxonMobil is mastering the 4-mile lateral drillout using lessons learned.
Two new studies from completions experts suggest the global upstream industry has a major opportunity in medium-quality reservoirs.
Service company Liberty Energy has announced the formation of Liberty Power Innovations which will specialize in compressed natural gas.
The large US shale producer has officially entered into the renewable energy sector with its largest venture investment yet.
Two US test sites have fractured hot, dry rock with plans to create a network of fractures for water heating. They will soon find out if the fractures worked as expected.
This article presents a new data-driven analysis to locate low-frequency seismic sources, referred to as near-infrasound or infrasound sources. Combining these infrasound signals with microseismicity signals allows for better characterization and monitoring of the stimulated reservoir volume.
Fracturing hot rock to create a geological water-heating system is like fracturing an oil well, but for a different purpose, so is proppant really necessary?
When confronted by extremely hot wells drilled into hard rock, engineers start looking for new tools and then ask, is there a cheaper option?
From refracturing old wells to ones that don’t have to be fractured at all, notable producers argue that experiments are paying off.
The SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition is being held 31 January–2 February in The Woodlands, Texas.
ProPetro will provide committed services for a 3-year period to an undisclosed Permian Basin operator.
This paper presents a numerical simulation work flow, with emphasis on hydraulic fracture simulation, that optimizes well spacing and completion design simultaneously.