A Shell partnership with YPF marks a significant milestone for the Argentina LNG export facility, raising new questions about the nation’s potential to unlock the economic power of its vast shale reserves. As Argentina seeks energy independence and global LNG market access, the partnership and other initiatives could redefine the future of its energy strategy.
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
Global offshore decommissioning projects hear the starting gun in Australia and the North Sea, but will the race be a marathon or a sprint?
The authors of this paper discuss an integrated cloud-based work flow aimed at evaluating the cost-effectiveness of adopting geothermal production in low- to medium-enthalpy systems.
Baodao 21-1 is the first deepwater, deep-stratum large gas field in the South China Sea.
At 50,000 ft, the well is about 800 ft longer than the previous record holder.
The complete paper outlines adaptations of the SPE Petroleum Resources Management System to a company’s business processes.
The partners will explore Block 2K, an ultradeepwater block off Sabah.
The find is part of the Angola Block 15 redevelopment project expected to deliver around 40,000 B/D of additional production.
Opening additional channels of communication with our members provided important feedback to move forward with the Strategic Plan.
I would like to highlight the following works as promising technological developments for production and facilities: innovative measurement techniques, improvements to drilling safety, new developments in piping inspection, and a very interesting study of triangular vs. circular cross-sectional pipes.
The paper highlights the importance of adopting good practices when planning for decommissioning throughout the life cycle of a petroleum project.
An Equinor-led partnership to test prospect northeast of Visund.