Reservoir simulation
The authors introduce a novel framework combining dynamic mode decomposition, a data-driven model-reduction technique, with direct data assimilation to streamline the calibration of carbon-dioxide plume evolution models.
This paper discusses the concept, applications, and continual evolution of a new 3D temperature and spectral-acoustics modeling and logging approach.
A detailed comparison of two leading software platforms demonstrates the effective application of these platforms in modeling complex reservoir dynamics and biochemical reactions in geological formations for risk assessment in underground hydrogen storage.
This study explores the mechanisms contributing to oil recovery with numerical modeling of experimental work and investigates the effects of various parameters on oil recovery.
This paper describes the first job in southeast Asia in developing horizontal-well placement in a turbidite environment.
Producers face a number of decision-making challenges. Specifically, they must optimize field development and operational decisions in light of the complex interplay of fiscal, market, and reservoir variables.
The story of unconventional oil and gas technology development has been focused on fractures. The formula has been more stages, more sand, and more water, targeting the most productive spots.
The optimization algorithm used in this work is a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA), which is the combination of GAs with artificial neural networks (ANNs) and evolution strategies (ESs).
Reservoir-simulation-model inputs are numerous, and uncertainty is pervasive—before, during, and after development. With the pressure to deliver results quickly, how do we find the right balance?
In upstream oil and gas, cloud computing is very immature because the industry has always been challenged by storage and computational capability. However, high-performance cloud computing may create an opportunity for smaller companies lacking infrastructure for scientific applications.
With the easy conventional oil in Argentina having been produced, one remaining way to find new oil in existing fields is to convert fields from primary or secondary production to secondary or tertiary production, respectively.
Because the uncertainty analysis is complex and time consuming, in this paper, a stochastic representation of the computer model, called an emulator, was constructed to quantify the reduction in the parameter input space.
This paper describes how seismic reservoir integration, advanced production analysis, and accurate nanoscale and 3D full-field simulations may address profitability issues and help oil companies to be more efficient in developing unconventional portfolios.