Reservoir simulation
The authors introduce a novel framework combining dynamic mode decomposition, a data-driven model-reduction technique, with direct data assimilation to streamline the calibration of carbon-dioxide plume evolution models.
This paper discusses the concept, applications, and continual evolution of a new 3D temperature and spectral-acoustics modeling and logging approach.
A detailed comparison of two leading software platforms demonstrates the effective application of these platforms in modeling complex reservoir dynamics and biochemical reactions in geological formations for risk assessment in underground hydrogen storage.
This paper develops a deep-learning work flow that can predict the changes in carbon dioxide mineralization over time and space in saline aquifers, offering a more-efficient approach compared with traditional physics-based simulations.
The authors of this paper present an advanced dual-porosity, dual-permeability (A-DPDK) work flow that leverages benefits of discrete fracture and DPDK modeling approaches.
This study presents a novel approach to screen thermally stable surfactants at high pressures and high temperatures for the explicit purpose of wettability alteration in the operator’s Eagle Ford acreage.
The authors of this paper describe a model-driven work flow developed for hydraulic fracturing design and execution that could be a resource for other shale plays with similar challenges worldwide.
This paper presents a case study of integrated geomechanical and reservoir simulation with a developed fracture conductivity calculation work flow to evaluate well spacing and completions design.
The authors of this paper write that computationally coupled models enable swift, accurate, and engineered decision-making for optimal asset development.
The authors of this paper describe a procedure that enables fast reconstruction of the entire production data set with multiple missing sections in different variables.
This paper presents a physics-assisted deep-learning model to facilitate transfer learning in unconventional reservoirs by integrating the complementary strengths of physics-based and data-driven predictive models.
This article presents the application of a reinforcement learning control framework based on the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. The crack propagation process is simulated in Abaqus, which is integrated with a reinforcement learning environment to control crack propagation in brittle material. The real-world deployment of the proposed control framework is also dis…
A new program offers an affordable way to figure out if salt precipitation could be behind underperforming gas wells and suggests a path to higher production.