JPT August 2023 Issue

On the Cover
Associated gas is flared off a New Mexico well. Source: THEPALMER/Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
Appropriate data standards do not restrict creativity and innovation, they enable it. Being a little cynical, I guess we just do not value clarity, quality, or productivity over empowerment to do things our own way. “Why can’t we all just get along?”
Operators share emissions-mitigation research insights amid calls to accelerate to meet 2030 goals.
The trend in fracturing designs has been longer stages with more perforation clusters, which save time and money. But there are a couple of companies testing whether shorter is better for production.
Part 3 of this series looks at the importance of performance analysis and how to generate the economic benefit for solving conformance or sweep efficiency problems. The economic elements of this review are very basic, but they will help you to determine a more-accurate understanding of the true economic benefit.
President's Column
The expanded scope of our evolving industry means that members of the petroleum engineering profession will enjoy a long, rewarding career. At the same time, we will need to continue developing our competencies to enable expected contributions in producing new forms of energy resources.
While innovation steadily advances technologies to produce geothermal energy, the determination of clearly defined laws and regulations is playing catch-up—state by state and case by case in courts. And until it does, scaling up of this promising energy source is at risk of being hamstrung.
SPE News
These awards recognize those members who have contributed exceptional service and leadership to the Society, as well as those who have made major professional contributions to their technical disciplines at the regional level.
SPE News
SPE Journal is now accepting papers for a new special issue focused on lower-carbon prospects of petroleum engineering. Submissions are invited about novel research on petroleum engineering aspects of lower-carbon energy production, emphasizing subsurface technologies related to CCUS, geothermal energy, subsurface hydrogen, offshore energy facilities, and other lower-…
E&P Notes
An SPE member since 1979, he died 29 June 2023 at the age of 70.
This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away.
SPE Technical Papers Available
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These July and August papers are available now.
Formation Evaluation
Because natural and hydraulic fractures are generated hundreds of meters underground, their parameters always seem to be a black box. Their influence on pressure propagation and well productivity, however, cannot be overstated. So how well are we doing in fracture evaluation and modeling?
Subsea Systems
Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, and coupled with increasing activity for energy production, the latest focus on subsea systems indicates that the subsea industry is moving with the times, reflecting technology developments, and meeting overall society demands in terms of holistic energy supply.
Health, Safety, and Environment
This year’s HSE Technical Focus feature showcases environmental sustainability. Offshore hybrid renewable power generation, electrically driven well abandonment in urban and natural settings, and the use of remotely controlled, low-carbon-footprint underwater intervention/inspection drones demonstrate HSE-conscious planning and successful implementation in the field.
Gas Production
The demand for natural gas remains unabated and with it the need to further develop and disseminate gas-production-related expertise. A few of the common themes that emerge from recent SPE publications are elaborated upon here.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 September 2023. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.