JPT December 2020 Issue

On the Cover
After it is mined, wet sand is left to decant in piles before being sent into industrial-sized kilns where it is dried in preparation for sorting. Skipping the costly drying process represents a new trend in the US unconventional sector where cost pressure continues to reshape the proppant supply chain. Source: Getty Images.
President's Column
I begin this column by saying that after attending several recent SPE events filled with students and professionals, all virtual of course, that I have seen the very best of us as members of SPE. To a person, you all have been nothing short of inspiring.
Monthly Features
A quarter of the oil and gas workforce now comes from Generation Z, which has raised important questions about whether companies and universities are doing enough to attract and retain this tech-savvy cohort.
Skipping one traditional step in the supply chain might save oil and gas companies hundreds of millions of dollars a year while making a meaningful dent in emissions.
Digital transformation offers opportunities beyond the technical goal of increased production. It may also enhance sustainability, the work/life balance, and the public’s perception of the industry.
In the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the oil and gas industry, regulators, and other stakeholders recognized the need for increased collaboration and data sharing to better identify safety risks and address them before an accident occurs.
A presentation at the 2020 Offshore Technology Conference Asia described a study of unmanned aerial vehicles operated by off-site pilots based in remote control centers many miles from the facility.
The UK offshore Lancaster field was to prove that complex basement formations could be profitably developed. Instead, it is a reminder of how a long-term production test can drastically alter a reservoir model built upon years of exploration work.
The oil and gas industry has picked up on the benefits of digitization and artificial intelligence in its day-to-day activities, and the health, safety, and environment sector is no exception. While AI brings clear benefits, the risks that come with those benefits remain unclear.
In his first remarks as SPE President, Tom Blasingame announced that the theme of his tenure is “Survive, Revive, and Thrive.”
Technology Focus