JPT December 2022 Issue

On the Cover
BPX Energy’s Grand Slam Centralized Processing Facility near Orla, Texas, is an electrified central oil, gas, and water‑handling facility that uses a separation and compression system to recover gas that would typically be flared at the wellsite. Source: BPX Energy/Marc Morrison.
Read the JPT Digital Magazine [Members only]
Monthly Features
A pair of innovative field development strategies are helping tame the wild, wild Permian Basin.
Geosteering is supposed to ensure the wellbore stays in the most-productive zone, but a recent study suggests it often misses the mark.
The produced water conundrum in the Permian Basin will be solved by a mix of recycling, disposal, and future breakthroughs in technology currently being studied.
This case study presents results achieved in Romania, Mexico, and Kuwait with the use of a series of innovations featuring integrated bottomhole assemblies. A push-the-bit system combines high-performance drilling with precise directional control.
Guest Editorial
As the world continues to grapple with the post-pandemic new normal and unfamiliar global uncertainty, the case to begin and commit to a career in the upstream subsurface industry may be harder to see, but it’s still rewarding and with longevity.
President's Column
Opening additional channels of communication with our members provided important feedback to move forward with the Strategic Plan.
This column wraps up the year with a recap of our top hits in the JPT content delivered to our members and looks ahead to what’s coming in 2023.
E&P Notes
SPE News
The Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) has long been recognized as the global standard reference for resources and reserves classification and definition. The newly published “2022 Guidelines for Application of the PRMS” is not merely a refresh of the 2011 version but a complete rewrite by contemporary subject-matter experts.
SPE News
A summary of the committee’s activities was presented at the 2022 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
SPE News
The SPE Outstanding Associate Editor Award is presented to those who have distinguished themselves as high-performing associate editors for SPE’s peer-reviewed journals. Twenty-three SPE members have been named as recipients this year.
This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away.
Reserves Management
We continue to live in volatile times. While there has been an easing of the global pandemic, geopolitical issues and conflicts have been increasing. There is also ever-increasing pressure to sanction and maintain oil and gas projects in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner. These projects can no longer be considered part of an isolated or independent pet…
Production and Facilities
I would like to highlight the following works as promising technological developments for production and facilities: innovative measurement techniques, improvements to drilling safety, new developments in piping inspection, and a very interesting study of triangular vs. circular cross-sectional pipes.
Bits and Bottomhole Assemblies
The industry’s commitment to improve drilling efficiency and reduce operational costs is in full gear, yielding positive results, because of the new alignment and focus on cycle-time improvement. Holistic methodologies and solutions needed for this endeavor pose several questions that must be answered because clearer and complete pictures must be drawn for all challen…
Water Management
The three papers chosen for publication share different approaches to chemically managing high-salinity produced water through commercially viable approaches. The identification of processes to treat high salinity levels and the approaches to alter and control the process make the papers not only good for discussion but also practical for all players, big and small.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 January 2023.