JPT June 2024 Issue

On the Cover
On the cover: Shell Oil Co.’s derrick being skidded to a new location in the Permian Basin in 1947. Its base was 38 ft2, and with all its equipment the derrick weighed approximately 125 tons. Source: Personal archive of Deidre Van Norman/Photo by Bill Shoopman, The Odessa American.
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Monthly Features
Oil remains an indispensable and irreplaceable part of the global energy mix. As convenient, efficient, and highly energy-dense sources, natural gas and oil are simply unmatched by any currently available alternatives.
The SPE Drilling and Wells Interoperability Standards group proposes a dual-path strategy to overcome the technical and commercial barriers facing the advancement of drilling automation.
Rising natural gas production plus not enough takeaway capacity equals one big headache for west Texas producers
The exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons from tight or shale formations have revolutionized the global energy landscape, unlocking vast oil and gas reserves previously considered inaccessible. This article intends to explore the complexities of hydrocarbon extraction from tight and shale reservoirs.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
JPT’s first year of publication was one of groundbreaking events that would transform the global petroleum industry. A recap of developments in 1949 emphasizes the high hopes attached to the industry—and the ambitious goals of the new magazine.
President's Column
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Susan Howes, president of Subsurface Consultants and Associates, to discuss the importance of soft skills for petroleum engineering.
A new kind of groupie is interested in the heavy metal band Metallica’s tour in Europe, including Shell, big-rig and electric vehicle manufacturers, and producers of hydrogen, biofuels, and LNG. It has less to do with the music than the alternative fuels keeping the buses rolling on the 2-month, 7,200-mile journey across nine countries.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These May and June papers are available now.
Coiled Tubing
The advances presented in the selected papers, and many others, would not be possible without improvements in our understanding of materials, how to protect coiled tubing pipes, how to get the best performance out of them under downhole conditions that are becoming every day more extreme, and how to preserve wellbore completion at the same time.
Engineers desperately need an alternative to acid placement through pipe, coiled tubing, or bullheading. For example, propellants have been around for years; however, their performance has not quite met the hype. Nevertheless, several case histories have been authored to suggest their efficacy; historically, some treatments have even been wildly successful.
Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Fracture monitoring to optimize fluid volumes and designs remains a critical area of development. Research is ongoing with the focus on combining different monitoring technologies including tracers, fiber optics, downhole cameras, and microseismic monitoring.
EOR Operations
The EOR scene has evolved as well. Low-salinity waterflooding, originally thought to apply only in certain sandstone reservoirs, appears to be able to unlock additional reserves also for some carbonate formations, although the fundamental mechanisms are different.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 July 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.