JPT March 2024 Issue

On the Cover
More than 2,200 head of bison roam Oklahoma’s Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. Located in Osage County in the northeastern part of the state, the petroleum industry has explored and produced from the area for over a century. Source: Jennifer Presley.
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[Members only]
Monthly Features
The long, successful history of various metallurgies in EOR wells has been cited as sufficient to allow the same completions for CCS injection wells. The lack of actual data on the long-term performance of these alloys in EOR wells in combination with the more-stringent requirements for Class VI wells suggests otherwise.
Early adopters of large language models praise the technology’s promise to advance upstream research and software development while also offering cautionary notes.
Majors and independents alike are targeting high-impact wells across the globe to boost future oil and gas production volumes.
Devon Energy along with petroleum engineering consulting and software firm Whitson and cloud computing company Snowflake developed a system to monitor the dynamics of 5,000 wells.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
The world of artificial lift has witnessed a remarkable revolution over the past 25 years, with many of the events and technology trends recorded in the Journal of Petroleum Technology.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
Longtime leaders in artificial lift discuss and share their insights on the rapidly evolving segment’s past, present, and future.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
There will always be a need for good artificial lift engineers. So, what should the next generation of its professionals be trying to pursue?
President's Column
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Dana Otillio, vice president of SPE’s marketing and communications, to discuss how members can maximize their membership by leveraging multimedia content.
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to assist in the development of materials, including metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), to advance carbon capture technologies. Researchers assembled more than 120,000 new MOF candidates within 30 minutes.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE News
The SPE Oil and Gas Reserves Committee has opened a period for public comments and feedback on the current 2018 PRMS.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These February and March papers are available now.
Artificial Lift
The papers described here focus on novel unconventional horizontal downhole pump card signatures, carbon reduction through alternative energy to pump wells, and predicting downhole-discharge pressure of ESPs.
Production Monitoring
During the past 3 years, over half a million patents were granted for production monitoring. This progress has led to a shift toward integrated work flows, cloud-based platforms, resilient sensors, process simplification, and automation.
High Pressure/High Temperature
High-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) resources continue to be a focus of efforts to apply new technologies that maximize productivity while addressing concerns related to capital expenditure, operating expenses, and high drilling costs. These cost-effective technologies will only grow in importance in exploiting HP/HT and ultra-HP/HT fields.
Geothermal Energy
One area where the untapped potential of geothermal energy has been realized is in harnessing thermal energy from abandoned or inactive oil and gas wells. Such wells could be exploited for electricity generation or direct use through well repurposing.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 April 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.