JPT May 2024 Issue

On the Cover
On the cover: A new day begins for a rig in the North Sea offshore Norway. As the upstream industry continues to advance, both offshore and onshore, SPE has been instrumental in working with myriad organizations to propel the industry along the health, safety, and environment journey. Source: Piola666/Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
Operators are turning the tide on the Lower Tertiary trend with increasingly large stimulations that are also pushing the limits of offshore technology.
Matthew Bryant has spent years trying to convince engineers that the API proppant testing standard has significant limitations. And he may well be right.
Losing drill-hungry independent and private companies in the region to robust M&A will mean an activity slowdown that is expected to impact volumes coming from the nation’s largest oil field.
The prestigious award celebrates OTC exhibitors who are revolutionizing the industry with their groundbreaking technologies. This year, 15 exceptional technologies—five of which hail from small businesses—were chosen for their advancements. Join us in recognizing these trailblazers who are shaping the future of offshore energy.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
The health, safety, and environment (HSE) discipline is one of the broadest in SPE, from the perspectives of both its scope and its cross-discipline impact. As JPT celebrates 75 years, former HSE Technical Director Roland Moreau examines some of the defining moments in the history of HSE in the industry, the growth of the discipline, and the challenges it still faces.
Guest Editorial
To ensure successful outcomes, it’s crucial to understand the battery itself, define objectives clearly, and analyze operational profiles thoroughly.
Grand Challenge
At COP28, more than 50 oil and gas companies took a historic step toward decarbonization by launching the Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter. This article explores the importance of this effort, the opportunities available to the industry to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and the key technologies needed to achieve the net-zero goal.
President's Column
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Jennifer Miskimins, department head of petroleum engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, to discuss the academic aspect of petroleum engineering and its future.
Developing alternative power supplies with wide-scale reliability, dependability, and minimization or elimination of GHG emissions within feasible capex/opex scenarios is the brass ring of sustainability and energy security—and data are helping us get there.
Case Study
Traditional oil extraction methods hit a snag in noncontiguous fields, where conventional flow-based EOR techniques falter. In southwest Texas, a producer faced imminent shutdown of its canyon sand field due to rapid production decline. Field tests using elastic-wave EOR determined whether the field could be revitalized or if a costly shut-in process was inevitable.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These April and May papers are available now.
Deepwater Fields
Rigorous engineering remains the key platform to accomplish the dizzying array of complex work on a daily basis and the linchpin in elevating the performance of deepwater projects from acquisition to abandonment.
Intelligent Operations
Intelligent technology plays a role in applications ranging from design to completions to data management and most points in between. However, this feature topic is devoted to SPE papers that discuss system-oriented innovations to increase production, reduce costs, and decrease risk.
Extended-Reach and Complex Wells
As technology continue to evolve and reservoirs become more challenging to access, the drilling industry is further improving its efficiency and derisking operations through the use of artificial intelligence, lighter and stronger pipes, and sophisticated data analytics.
Cementing and Zonal Isolation
This past year’s Cementing and Zonal Isolation papers indicated that our industry continues to maintain high levels of innovation and optimization. The evident collaboration between operators and service providers continues to propel technical developments at rates otherwise not possible.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 June 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.