JPT September 2024 Issue

On the Cover
On the cover: Chevron’s 20K-psi Anchor field in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico achieved first oil in August 2024. Source: Chevron.
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Monthly Features
Hurricane prognosticators continue to believe the 2024 Atlantic storm season will be more active than normal, even after a somewhat slow start. In any case, the oil field is ready.
One hydraulic fracturing job can stimulate two wells, but economic success hinges on doing it in the right place for the right price.
Fervo Energy proved fracturing can harvest geothermal energy and is now rapidly learning to build a utility-scale power plant.
The energy industry faces a shortage of skilled professionals, and high salaries aren’t enough to attract new talent. We need to show how careers in this field offer meaning and stability, with transferable skills across energy sectors.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
Since the late 1930s, the offshore industry has advanced from the first platform in 14 ft of water to the ultradeepwater 20K era. Driven by seismic, drilling, and development breakthroughs, the industry has pushed into deeper waters, high-pressure reservoirs, and new frontiers like Guyana, continually expanding the limits of offshore exploration.
President's Interview
In this inaugural episode of his vodcast and column, 2025 SPE President Olivier Houzé shares his insights on the challenges facing our Society and its members, as well as his vision for his presidency.
Guest Editorial
You’ve heard of generative artificial intelligence, and odds are you’ve used it. But do you know how it works?
Case Study
To choose the right technologies for a gas-compression package, it’s critical for operators to have a clear understanding of their business and greenhouse‑gas emissions-related goals. Operators also need clarity concerning the impact of evolving requirements on total cost of ownership as well as potential financial ramifications.
SPE Awards
Each year during its Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), SPE honors members whose outstanding contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry merit special distinction. Recipients will be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet on Tuesday, 24 September.
As SPE celebrates a century of innovation at the 2024 ATCE, we also mark the 75th anniversary of the Journal of Petroleum Technology. These twin milestones stand as a testament to the achievements that have driven our industry forward—innovation, pushing boundaries, setting new standards, and fueling the energy that powers the world.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE News
A best practice for nominating SPE members for awards is to form a nomination posse—a committee of 4 to 5 people that works to match candidates with the awards that best suits them. Providing respect and recognition for your colleagues is a wonderful way to find purpose in your own career.
SPE News
The Integrated Reservoir Management Technical Section is committed to unite a community of technical professionals and academia driven to enhance reservoir performance by harnessing technological innovations and creating a collaborative space for strategic discussions and sustainable practices.
Technical Paper Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These August and September papers are available now.
Reservoir Surveillance
Surveillance technologies have undergone a revolution, reshaping how facilities, wells, and reservoirs are monitored. These advancements not only have increased the scale at which these technologies are deployed but also have led to an unprecedented influx of data. The sheer volume of data, however, poses a significant challenge to traditional analytical methods.
Field Development
Academic expertise, operational experience, and knowledge gathered through trial-and-error analysis must be meshed in order to achieve the optimizations that are increasingly needed with the depletions we experience in various fields globally.
Offshore Facilities
Offshore wind power involves generating electricity from wind farms located at sea. Because wind speeds are generally higher offshore than on land, these farms produce more electricity for the same amount of installed capacity. Both wind and solar energy are renewable and do not emit carbon, which helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels such as oil and gas.
Oilfield Chemistry
In an era marked by a growing emphasis on sustainability, industries are increasingly adopting innovative technologies. Three notable advancements are the extraction of lithium from produced water, using rhamnolipids as biosurfactants, and applying graphene nanoplatelets as scale inhibitors.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 October 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.