JPT March 2021 Issue

On the Cover
Real-time analysis of microseismic events during hydraulic fracturing can give engineers critical feedback. Now, advances in artificial intelligence may make pinpointing those events easier. Source: Getty Images.
President's Column
As individuals and as an industry, we need to focus on the essentials. Our industry is on a shakedown cruise like no other in our history.
Monthly Features
Will the oil fields of today become the hydrogen fields of tomorrow? Calgary-based Proton Technologies says this is possible and hopes to prove it soon after inking multiple licensing deals with other oil and gas companies.
Technology is advancing, and applications are growing, but scaling faces technological and human challenges.
Algorithms are taking over the world, or so we are led to believe, given their growing pervasiveness in multiple fields of human endeavor such as consumer marketing, finance, design and manufacturing, health care, politics, and sports. The focus of this article is to examine where things stand in regard to the application of these techniques for managing subsurface en…
Artificial intelligence is opening new ways to analyze data from microseismic events that occur during hydraulic fracturing. One researcher at Moscow’s Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology is building a convolutional neural network to get a subsurface view of permeability after fracturing.
Technology Focus