JPT September 2022 Issue

On the Cover
An 80-acre produced water recycling and disposal well facility in the Permian Basin that is capable of processing 250,000 B/D of produced water. Source: Breakwater Energy Partners.
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Monthly Features
Medhat M. Kamal will take office as 2023 SPE President during the 2022 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in October. He shares his views of the challenges facing our industry and SPE members, his outlook for our industry, and what his goals will be during his presidency.
When Occidental Resources switched to bigger fracture designs to produce more oil, it produced more water as well. Based on research done since, they cannot have one without the other, and at the oil prices recently seen, that’s OK.
The Gulf’s offshore wind future is no breezy affair as governments and industries must work together to meet lofty goals.
Glynn Williams, CEO of Silixa, offers his take on the role fiber-optic technology will play in the rise of CO2 storage and on the firm’s progress in the tight-rock sector.
Guest Editorial
Many leaders commit to the aspiration of no harm to people, but they may need help on the substance and actions that will make a difference. The authors share their insights gained from decades of robust experience in safety culture and performance improvement and where it succeeds or fails.
A North Dakota Supreme Court decision changed the rules for leasing pore space from landowners and their rights to compensation. This decision and the US Inflation Reduction Act, which significantly increases tax incentives for operators’ carbon capture and storage projects, is likely to spur other states to clarify their laws regulating pore space.
Case Study
An automated detection application helped identify stringers early for an operator of a mature field in the North Sea while drilling multilateral wells through reservoir sections containing hard calcite stringers interspersed in sand formations with low unconfined compressive strength. The application guided drilling decisions that minimized invisible lost time and sh…
Case Study
This case study demonstrates an estimated cost savings of AICD completions in six wells of more than $20 million in capital and operating expenses compared with a more conventional sliding side door completion to manage gas breakthrough.
E&P Notes
SPE News
These awards recognize those members who have contributed exceptional service and leadership to the Society, as well as those who have made major professional contributions to their technical disciplines at the regional level.
The SRMS Guidelines include suggestions for the application of the SRMS with the intent of including details of the processes of quantification, categorization, and classification of storable quantities so that the subjective nature of subsurface assessments can be consistent between storage resource assessors.
Reservoir Surveillance
The papers highlighted in this month’s feature apply forward stratigraphic modeling to improve geological models, classical reservoir engineering techniques to understand interwell connectivity in order to optimize waterflooding operations, and exciting new fiber-optic technology to characterize the performance of individual hydraulic fractures in unconventionals.
Field Development
In this month’s Field Development feature, SPE conference authors place an emphasis not only on original research and findings but also on validation and refinement of existing techniques that may not have received thorough attention in the literature.
Offshore Facilities
Today, oil and gas are still important energy providers. They will remain with us throughout this century, but, like the coal industry, they will decline, not because we will run out, but mankind will learn to harvest cleaner energy more favorable to the wellbeing of us all. In the meantime, I do hope that we are not so quick to rid ourselves of the impressive industr…
Oilfield Chemistry
The selected papers represent sophisticated work around the phenomena of scale and precipitation that can have dramatic effects on productivity, specifically in shale and tight completions. These papers include comprehensive work flows to analyze recovered samples as well as improved methods to analyze the concentration of scale inhibitor in produced water with enhanc…
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 October.