JPT September 2020 Issue

On the Cover
This wiggly polymer was likely created when a friction reducer reacted with iron-based chemicals, particularly pyrite, in a well. This Oklahoma oddity is an example of how additives can change for the worse in a shale well. Source: Downhole Chemical Solutions.
Monthly Features
Tom Blasingame will take office as 2021 SPE President during the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition to take place in October. He shares his views of the key challenges facing SPE and the industry and what his goals will be during his presidency.
Unconventional producers around the world have been hamstrung by expensive and cumbersome options when it comes to obtaining reservoir data. Among the latest ways to break past these barriers is a new method developed by Canadian researchers and field tested in Australia’s unconventional frontier.
The source of gummy, damaging polymer gunk that has flowed from Oklahoma oil wells is becoming clear, and one of the lessons learned is that shale plays require petroleum engineers to learn more about chemistry.
Brazil’s national oil company details the results of 6 years of real-time drilling monitoring. The next step is to move toward optimization, then automation.
Advanced machine-learning methods combined with aspects of game theory are helping operators understand the drivers of water production and improve forecasting and economics in unconventional basins.
Discussed are real-world examples of the less often considered but valuable environmental benefits delivered via MPD.
The SPE International Awards honor members whose outstanding contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry merit special distinction. Recipients of the 2020 International Awards will be recognized during the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
The SPE International Awards honor members whose outstanding contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry merit special distinction. Recipients of the 2020 International Awards will be recognized during the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Technology Focus