JPT September 2021 Issue

On the Cover
To date, Sakhalin Energy has sold all the LNG produced at its Prigorodnoye LNG production complex to buyers in the Asia Pacific and North America. Source: Sakhalin Energy.
Monthly Features
Kamel Ben-Naceur will take office as 2022 SPE President during the 2021 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition this month in Dubai. He shares his views of the challenges and opportunities for SPE members, his outlook for our industry, and what his goals will be during his presidency.
Russia is pouring investment into liquefied natural gas projects as it seeks to leverage the world’s largest natural gas reserves together with the logistical advantages of delivering it at a competitive price to Asia and Europe along the now-navigable Northern Sea Route.
After more than 2 decades of talk, multiple millions of dollars in investments, and a decade’s worth of joint industry projects, operators are starting to get on board with electrification as the base case for subsea solutions.
In a natural pivot from oil and gas E&P, former oilfield executives are taking up the hunt for helium. Helium is used in a wide variety of products, such as rocket ships and computer chips, and, while there is still plenty left to find on Earth, finding quality commercial quantities can be a difficult task and reserves are running low.
Guest Editorial
Recent history has taught the unconventional sector that overly optimistic production forecasts can backfire. Going forward, one solution may be to combine financial and subsurface models to better communicate expectations.
Case Study
Traditionally, wireline or logging-while-drilling formation-testing technology has been the most accepted means of reservoir fluid characterization. But when those fluids are contaminated by mud filtrate, acoustic data can be used for fluid characterization during downhole sampling to successfully track and quantify small changes in oil compressibility.
Purchasing carbon offsets is a widespread means of attempting to meet carbon-reduction and net-zero emissions goals across many industries. Also widespread is the increasing scrutiny of the practice. How “real” are the offsets? How are they quantified and verified, and by whom?
E&P Notes
SPE News
For those who can't make it to Dubai to attend this year's Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) on 21–23 September, the SPE has you covered. Virtual registrations covering all 3 days of ATCE are now available.
This section recognizes SPE members accomplishments and positions within the oil and gas industry.
This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away.
Reservoir Surveillance
In this feature, we will explore innovative approaches to help better understand the stress state of the reservoir, interactions between different fluids and rocks, and how to track the movement of specific fluid components throughout the reservoir.
Offshore Facilities
Brent crude oil price finally had reached $75/bbl at the time of writing. So far, this oil price is the highest since before the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a good sign that demand is picking up. Oil and gas offshore projects also seem to be picking up; most offshore greenfield projects are dictated by economics and the price of oil.
Field Development
The digital transformation that began several years ago continues to grow and evolve. With new advancements in data analytics and machine-learning algorithms, field developers today see more benefits to upgrading their traditional development work flows to automated artificial-intelligence work flows. The transformation has helped develop more-efficient and truly inte…
Oilfield Chemistry
As production chemists, we are all aware of the overall concepts of improved oil recovery (IOR) and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Perhaps, though, fewer of us are aware of the different idiosyncrasies that exist within (and even between) these two broad categories of recovery and how chemistry and chemicals can have an effect upon these processes.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through October 31.