JPT April 2024 Issue

On the Cover
On the cover: Digital technology has seen constant growth in the oil and gas industry, from the introduction of computers to handle complex mathematical problems in the 1950s, through the emergence of the digital oil field in the late 1970s and early 1980s, to the use of artificial intelligence today. Source: Lucky Step/Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
Jennifer L. Miskimins is the nominee for 2026 SPE President. She and six others make up the new slate of nominees recommended for positions open on the SPE International Board of Directors.
The use of oil-based muds has precluded countless drill cuttings from being used to predict reservoir fluids despite once being part of the reservoir. A 6-decade-old technology may be on the cusp of changing that.
The Mexican state oil company turns to the bit in a bid to add meaningful reserves from the deep Mexican Gulf.
A 44-well development tests what ConocoPhillips has learned about maximizing the value of the wells by figuring out how they drain the reservoir.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
From the first supercomputer to generative AI, JPT has followed the advancement of digital technology in the petroleum industry. As the steady march of innovation continues, four experts give their views on the state and future of data science in the industry.
Guest Editorial
Despite tens of thousands of potential candidates and the proven upsides, the unconventional industry has largely overlooked refracturing—possibly due to the way it’s discussed.
Grand Challenge
The challenges that geothermal energy faces to become a leading player in the net-zero world are well within the areas of expertise of the SPE community, ranging from rapid technology implementation and learning-by-doing to assure competitiveness to establishing suitable funding mechanisms to secure access to capital.
President's Column
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Paige McCown, SPE senior manager of communication and energy education, to discuss how members can improve the industry’s public image.
Pink hydrogen, produced through water electrolysis powered by nuclear energy, recently drew attention which underscored the complexity of decision-making in advancing such projects.
Case Study
To avoid costly interventions like sidetracking or wellbore abandonment, a check-valve system was installed near the sandface within three injector wells which prevented the mobilization of fines from the reservoir into the wellbore by stopping backflow.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These March and April papers are available now.
Natural Gas Processing and Handling
The integration of new technologies and innovative approaches plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable advancements and value gains. These advancements are crucial for enhancing operational efficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and meeting the increasing global demand for natural gas as a key fuel powering the energy evolution.
The oil and gas industry, notably the completion activity, with its distributed sensors, optical fibers, permanent downhole gauges, sealed-wellbore pressure monitoring, and microseismic, has generated a fantastic amount of data, which has increasingly been properly refined and processed, producing more information—and more oil.
Heavy Oil
The physical characteristics of heavy oil and the formations in which it is found are often unique to a region or even to a specific asset, so recovery techniques must be tuned, adapted, and sometimes invented for each region. Creative professionals around the world are taking up this challenge and sharing their work with us in a wealth of excellent recent publication…
History Matching and Forecasting
This year’s history matching and forecasting selections cover a deep-learning framework to forecast spatial/temporal dynamics of CO2 mineralization in reactive rocks, productivity decline analysis using coupled full-field and near-wellbore poromechanics modeling, and a reservoir graph network model for multiwell forecasting in unconventional reservoirs.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 May 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.