JPT January 2024 Issue

On the Cover
JPT is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year! Two special features kick off our monthly series highlighting our reporting of technology, innovation, and emerging trends in industry practices. Source: Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
Companies that can adapt, innovate, and stay ahead of the curve not only survive, but thrive. To achieve this, a fresh approach to innovation is required: one that harnesses the collective wisdom of customer advisory boards and prioritizes a strategy based on customer value.
We’re excited to begin the year with the commemoration of JPT’s 75th anniversary. This issue launches our special features dedicated to JPT’s reporting of technology and practices over the past 7½ decades.
The “Western Haynesville” boasts big gas IPs with potential running room.
The increasing demand for critical minerals—the building blocks of an electrified future—is creating opportunities for the oil and gas industry to apply its extensive knowledge, tools, and data to help meet the demand.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
Find out what made the list of big technology breakthroughs that have shaped the oil and gas industry over the past quarter century.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
Highlights of innovations in fracturing, drilling, and reservoir engineering include mysterious gummy bears, horseshoe-shaped wells, and automated rigs.
Case Study
An engineered approach to fracture growth in hydraulic fracturing highlights the successful execution of H2S prevention strategies in North Dakota’s Williston Basin.
President's Column
In this episode and transcript, Terry Palisch is joined by Karen Olson, the SPE technical director for completions, to discuss how SPE can help us collaborate more on a global level through our technical sections.
E&P Notes
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
SPE News
Join an SPE technical section to collaborate and share knowledge related to a specific oil and gas topic.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These December and January papers are available now.
EOR Modeling
These papers underscore the industry’s shift toward more efficient practices, each contributing a crucial piece to the larger puzzle of EOR.
Mature Fields and Well Revitalization
Once considered as being on the brink of abandonment, aging reservoirs are proving to be valuable assets as innovative hydrocarbon recovery techniques and re-envisioning of these fields for decarbonization opportunities are transforming them into reservoirs of opportunity.
Well Integrity
Typically, oil and gas producing wells are abandoned toward the end of their life cycles with reservoir pressures depleted compared with the virgin pressures. Carbon capture and storage projects, however, present different operating conditions.
Digital Data Acquisition
Digital data acquisition has revolutionized the oil and gas industry. Recent trends have seen a significant shift toward the use of legacy data, the integration of various sources of data, and the application of machine-learning techniques, creating a more dynamic and data-driven landscape.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 29 February 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.