JPT November 2023 Issue

On the Cover
On the cover: A restimulation operation in the Barnett Shale of north Texas where hundreds of early-generation shale wells have received similar refracturing treatments since late 2021. Source: BKV Corp.
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Monthly Features
BKV Corp. has combined bullhead and liner refracturing methods to create an approach called the hybrid expandable liner system.
The best wells in which to find lithium are in old conventional fields where rusty pump jacks are pulling out mostly water.
As money pours into the space, questions arise about whether the method of removing carbon from the atmosphere is the best investment.
The oil and gas industry’s sustainability and success depend on its ability to cultivate and nurture a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.
Guest Editorial
The oil and gas industry is embracing digital technology not just as a differentiator but as an enabler of innovation. The simple reality is that, if one doesn’t, they risk being out of the game.
Case Study
Prior to proceeding with a contract to fulfil a rigless P&A campaign for Sasol in Mozambique, BiSN designed a field trial to prove the effectiveness of its bismuth plug technology. Although the technology had been used in 19 countries by BiSN for a variety of downhole applications, it had not yet been qualified for use in Mozambique.
President's Column
In this podcast episode and transcript, Terry Palisch talks about the impact of the energy transition on the industry and technology and how SPE is helping its members adjust to the shifting landscape.
SPE News
Join thousands of the industry’s best by participating in the SPE annual awards nomination process.
SPE News
Advanced technologies for hydrogen production took center stage at the recent event, with presentations covering both blue and green hydrogen production methods, achieving improved efficiency and reduced costs, innovations in electrolysis, and advancements in steam methane reforming.
A gold strike was announced in October. But in this case the gold was naturally occurring hydrogen in a former coal basin in France.
SPE News
SPE recently became a supporting organization of the Aiming for Zero Methane Emissions Initiative, which aims to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations to near zero by 2030.
SPE News
SPE releases its 2023 Annual Report highlighting the year's accomplishments and showing continued improvement in financial performance fueling the success of SPE members.
SPE News
The computer vision startup from Porto Alegre, Brazil, earned both the People’s Choice award with a prize of $3,000 and the Best in Show award of $25,000.
E&P Notes
Former SPE Board Member and SPE Distinguished Service Award recipient died June 23.
This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These October and November papers are available now.
Drilling and Completion Fluids
At every stage, well-construction projects must be concerned about those aspects to establish measurable barriers for preventing issues. Therefore, drilling and completion fluids are critical for achieving project goals and ensuring operations are executed as planned.
EOR Operations
Oil is the bedrock on which modern society is built. The primary question remains: How can we continue to produce oil while minimizing its climate-harming byproducts? Thanks to the ingenuity of industry professionals around the world, new technologies are emerging that allow us to achieve this goal.
Hydraulic Fracturing Modeling
The purpose of hydraulic fracture modeling is to improve engineering decision-making. Success requires practical knowledge, engagement with real data, theoretical understanding, and critical thinking. The payoff is tremendous.
Flow Assurance
This year has seen a focus on gas development projects and the energy transition. Flow assurance plays an interesting role in this area. Even though the attention has been on the energy transition, where gas development is concerned, the production processes through which gas is produced cannot be ignored. Thus, flow-assurance issues remain prevalent today, and an ana…
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 December 2023. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.