JPT November 2024 Issue


On the Cover
On the cover: On the cover: Royal Dutch Shell drilled Malaysia’s first oil well near the fishing village of Miri in Sarawak, striking oil in 1910. Miri No. 1, nicknamed “The Grand Old Lady,” produced 1,950 bbl of oil in its first year after being drilled to a production depth of 452 ft. Source: Dreamstime.

Read the JPT Digital Magazine.
[Members only]

Monthly Features
75th Anniversary Commemoration
President's Column
  • Olivier Houzé discusses his views on SPE finances, including a historical perspective, the effects of downturns and the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing recovery, and future plans.
Guest Editorial
Case Study
  • Have data center operators become the major proponents of nuclear power? A flurry of recent announcements suggests so. But Shell, ExxonMobil, and BP, leveraging their oil and gas expertise, are stepping into the forefront to offer another solution to help data centers operate sustainably—immersion cooling liquids.
E&P Notes
SPE News
SPE News
SPE Technical Paper Download
Drilling and Completion Fluids
EOR Operations
  • International agreements and national policies on environmental sustainability are changing the outlook for enhanced oil recovery globally. These changes are highlighted by both monetary and intellectual commitments by oil companies around the world.
Hydraulic Fracturing Modeling
Flow Assurance

SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 December 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.