JPT October 2023 Issue

On the Cover
Bright days await Namibia’s burgeoning offshore oil and gas industry. Source: Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
While many expect oil and natural gas to retain their roles in the energy mix of 2050, the more significant question should not only be on how much oil and gas will be needed but from where the world will find it.
Produced water is a brew of salt, chemicals, and minerals that oil companies have always had to deal with. Landowners had no problem with that arrangement until they could see ways to make some money from it.
Two firms are using hydraulic fracturing to create high-pressure water reservoirs that can be turned on and off to meet electricity demand.
Part 4 of this series provides an overview of ongoing research and recent technology improvements within the US taking place in both academia and the service industry.
Guest Editorial
We must admit that the oil field is still in the early days of its digital journey. It’s time to give serious thought to the expectation/reality gap, the cultural differences between the way we’ve always done things and the way that digital is changing us, and the pain points that may trip us up unless we’re careful.
Case Study
As production dynamics evolve over the full life cycle of a tight-oil play, a single artificial lift method may not be the most cost-effective solution.
Case Study
A new type of skid-mounted production facility was deployed on a pad in Weld County, Colorado, and demonstrated elimination of emissions, improved operational efficiency, and an increased crude yield of 11.3%.
President's Column
In this podcast episode and transcript, Terry Palisch shares his thoughts about how SPE and its members fit into the energy transition and what it means for our energy future.
SPE News
Each year during its Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), SPE honors members whose outstanding contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry merit special distinction. Recipients will be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet on Tuesday, 17 October.
Finding talent to advance technologies for energy transition is among the top concerns for executives in oil and gas, utilities, chemicals, mining, and agribusiness. Talent shortages, especially for technical experts, are slowing down progress.
E&P Notes
SPE News
SPE welcomes 209 members into the Legion of Honor recognizing 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society.
SPE Technical Papers Download
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These September and October papers are available now.
Offshore Drilling and Completion
Optimizing and continually increasing efficiencies at every stage of the drilling and completion process are central themes in the papers showcased in this feature. Innovating our way through difficult times is what the oil and gas industry excels at, especially during challenging periods. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the offshore energy industry faced immense strugg…
Artificial Lift
Paper SPE 213089 describes an artificial lift selection tool for unconventional reservoirs driven by reduced-physics models. Paper SPE 213975 extols the value of gas lift downsizing by optimizing the selection and placement of Venturi, orifice, and dummy valves. And Paper SPE 214361 explains how electrical submersible pumps could become electrical submersible generato…
Data Analytics
The selected list of papers shares some interesting examples to showcase the value added by close collaboration between data scientists and subject-matter experts and how the power of the digital revolution actively revitalizes our industry.
Sand Management
With the higher adaptation of flow-control devices in recent years to improve flow segmentation and reduce the premature failure of sand control because of highly localized flow, flow-control-device implementation is becoming an integral part of sand-management strategy.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 November 2023. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.