JPT February 2022 Issue

On the Cover
Oilfield chemistry is turning to robotics to accelerate the development cycle of new chemicals meant to protect flowing assets from corrosion Source: Getty Images.
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Monthly Features
When water and metal meet, you get corrosion. You also get a good dose of creative engineering and innovation.
The Gulf of Mexico explorer is building off its offshore learnings to scoop up early carbon capture and sequestrations projects on the US Gulf Coast.
Business, management, and leadership skills, also known as soft skills or nontechnical skills, can and should be developed early in one’s career, preferably before receiving a promotion to a leadership position. These case studies illustrate the advantages of using business simulations and dedicated learning programs to practice both nontechnical and technical skills …
With the Omicron variant continuing to spread around the world, will a drop in oil prices follow? Maybe, but probably only in the short term.
Case Study
Carbonate reservoirs require effective acid stimulation to improve well productivity. For long horizontal wells, a complicating factor has previously been the difficulty of controlling acid placement along the reservoir section. The Smart Liner concept uses a number of small holes spaced in such a way so as to distribute the acid evenly along the reservoir interval.
Case Study
The study assessed the CO2 footprint and NO2 emissions for different drill-cuttings treatment alternatives. The values were then used to create an emissions calculator that can be applied to projects to clarify the actual potential for emissions reduction within the drilling-waste-management process.
President's Column
Regarding the long-term risks to our industry and a decreasing role of oil and gas in the energy transition in the future, I see an opportunity for companies to expand into new business segments and our members into new career opportunities.
Executives have become more concerned about climate over the past few months, according to a recent survey, but are in many cases picking the low-hanging fruit when it comes to demonstrating a real commitment to moving the needle. Their reasons may be valid.
E&P Notes
SPE News
SPE Sections and Student Chapters which are achieving exceptional longevity milestones this year.
Founder of the Flow Assurance Technical Section passed away 20 August 2021.
This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away.
Drilling Automation and Innovation
Changes in our industry have accelerated at a dramatic rate in an array of key technologies. Some of these initiatives have been under way for years and are familiar themes to SPE readers: artificial intelligence, automated decision making, data analytics, and visualization to name a few. Papers selected for this feature were chosen to highlight some of these areas of…
Well Testing
The subsurface is complex enough that multiple assumptions and hypotheses remain plausible; not all information may fit the storyline, and some might be dismissed or underweighted before the full range of possibilities is considered. A critical component of interpretation includes acknowledging one’s own bias and carefully listening to and seriously considering altern…
Formation Evaluation
The COVID-19 pandemic naturally has affected SPE meetings, causing many to be rescheduled or postponed indefinitely, but SPE papers continue to be a crucial source of technical knowledge. The selected papers explore simple and complex innovative approaches toward reservoir characterization to work around the absence of certain data.
The past couple of years has been a rollercoaster for energy professionals, but it did not stop the incredible achievements in machine-learning (ML) techniques, particularly neural networks to improve seismic imaging.
SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 31 March.