JPT October 2024 Issue


On the Cover
On the cover: H&P FlexRig 515 on location in the Bakken Shale. Source: H&P.

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Monthly Features
75th Anniversary Commemoration
  • Over the past 75 years, drillers have gone from the Stone Age to the Space Age when it comes to technological improvements in well construction methods. Yesterday’s crude wood and iron drilling techniques have given way to today’s video game-inspired controls and robotic assistance—much of which migrated from offshore applications. These advancements have driven costs…
President's Column
  • In this vodcast and column, Olivier Houzé explores the polarized views among SPE's members about the energy transition, highlighting the geographic and demographic differences. He examines historical perspectives on energy transitions, evaluates future scenarios, and discusses how SPE can adapt its mission to stay relevant.
Guest Editorial
Case Study
Legion of Honor
  • SPE welcomes 199 members into the Legion of Honor recognizing 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society. Members in the Legion of Honor are exempt from dues. They also receive a commemorative certificate and lapel pin in honor of their achievement, free registration for all SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibitions, and recognition in the Journal of Pe…
E&P Notes
SPE News
SPE News
SPE Technical Paper Download
Offshore Drilling and Completion
  • These papers underscore the need for strategic adaptation of automation systems to the specific challenges of offshore environments. The success of predictive machine learning in this context depends on its ability to offer measurable financial benefits, improve safety, and drive operational efficiency.
Artificial Lift
  • Summer blockbuster season has passed, but it’s always nice to grab a bucket of popcorn and escape reality with a movie. Some movies even teach lessons—as in, sometimes it takes hard work and incremental improvements to advance.
Data Analytics
Sand Management
  • Drilling longer wells, increasing the number of fracture stages, and completing multiple zones in complex stacked reservoirs, along with optimizing multilateral wells with sand control to enable long laterals in stacked reservoirs, have emerged as key focuses of the industry.

SPE Members: Access the free technical papers synopsized above through 30 November 2024. A PDF of the issue is also available for download.