JPT June 2021 Issue

On the Cover
Technologies and methods that didn’t exist 5 years ago are now part of the toolbox that operators are using to reach for the brass ring that is real-time optimization at scale. Source: Rafe Swan/Getty Images.
Guest Editorial
Oil isn’t going away, but that misses the fact that a demand plateau will structurally change the industry for people and companies in the most geologically mature areas, especially the United States.
President's Column
The most challenging aspect of creating a monthly column is to try to balance mission (i.e., long term strategy), contemporary events (i.e., things happening now), and the urgent (i.e., news you need to know). This column will have a bit of all three.
Monthly Features
“What is the drilling state” has become an important question among data scientists and automation experts. The simplest definition of a complicated concept is that it is what the driller is doing at the time.
Case studies demonstrate how an autonomous outflow-control device prevents growth and excessive fluid injection into thief/fracture zones and maintains a balanced or prescribed injection distribution.
Can a camera on the drill floor, or one on a mobile phone, measure what is going on during drilling or evaluate drill-bit wear more consistently than a human?
When Hess, Halliburton, and Nabors sat down to create a single plan to stream on the driller’s display, they needed to work out a lot of differences, including the definition of the word "activity."
It won’t happen overnight, but a growing number of US shale players are taking important steps to bring more automation and stage-level decision making to the hydraulic fracturing process in tight reservoirs.
As European majors push hard and fast to decarbonize energy and move into new and renewable sources, US majors are focusing on cleaner, more efficient hydrocarbons. Which approach and which companies will gain the upper hand?
SPYDR, MetaRock team up with Pioneer Natural Resources for a pilot program in the Permian Basin to test real-time fluid monitoring.
Technology Focus